
What is ChatGPT

Autor: Vladimir Milivojevic

Datum: 16.01.2024

Chat GPT is much more than a mere chatbot - It represents a groundbreaking AI development by OpenAI. This innovation redefines the landscape of conversational AI positioning itself as a versatile and sophisticated tool capable of mimicking human-like interactions with an impressive degree of accuracy.


OpenAI is a trailblazing AI research organization and celebrated for its pioneering strides in AI technology. It’s the birthplace of ChatGPT and has been instrumental in pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve.

At the heart of ChatGPT is GPT-3 the third iteration of the Generative Pretrained Transformer. This component often leads to the question ‘What can GPT 3 do?’. The answer lies in GPT-3’s remarkable language processing capabilities enabling it to understand context, generate relevant responses and learn from interactions. This positions GPT-3 as a fundamental pillar in the world of AI communications.


The Technology Behind ChatGPT (LLM)

Behind ChatGPT it is a state-of-the-art Large Language Model (LLM), a product of the innovative minds at OpenAI.

This tool is not just another step but a giant leap in the domain of natural language processing, a fascinating subset of AI. Chat GPT abilities are vast and varied: 

  • better engagement in nuanced conversations
  • better answers to complex queries 
  • better assistance in various domains from coding to creative writing

ChatGPT is a program designed to simulate human-like conversation, responding to text inputs with accurate and context-aware outputs. Its ability to learn and evolve positions it as a dynamic evolving tool setting new benchmarks in conversational AI. 


The Role of Big Data in Shaping ChatGPT’s Intelligence

Big Data is at the heart of what powers this advanced AI model and plays a critical role in shaping ChatGPT intelligence. The ability to understand and reproduce human-like text by dealing with large data sets is a key functionality of ChatGPT.

What is Open AI’s secret fuel for the original Chat GPT? It includes various web texts, books and articles from websites like Wikipedia. This extensive dataset ensures that ChatGPT is exposed to a wide range of linguistic styles & contexts making its responses more accurate and human-like. Here are datasets used to train GPT-3.  

What’s special about ChatGPT is its ability to continuously adapt its properties, especially when it comes to big data analysis and user interaction.

Capabilities of ChatGPT

What can ChatGPT do? ChatGPT’s advanced design enables participation in natural conversational interactions, making it a premier tool for various areas such as content creation. Its ability to understand diverse customer requests in real time significantly improves the customer experience, reduces response times and increases engagement.

Here are some ChatGPT capabilities:

  1. Communication, Knowledge and Language SkillsEngages in detailed and nuanced conversations, answers, explanations and insights across various topics while demonstrating proficiency in multiple languages.
  2. Creative and Educational Assistance Assists in crafting stories, poems, ads, dialogues and visuals using DALL-E integration. It also serves as a learning aid, explaining concepts and solving problems.
  3. Technical and Analytical Assistance – It can help analyze, summarize and extract crucial information from big data or provided links. ChatGPT can write, explain and debug code in various programming languages.
  4. Browser Tool ChatGPT uses a text-based browser to access and retrieve up-to-date web information and perform specific online research tasks.


Integrating ChatGPT in Online Marketing

Integrating ChatGPT in online marketing marks a significant advancement in the digital landscape: 

Content Creation and Management:

  • Generating Marketing Content – ChatGPT can be used to create engaging content for emails, ads, social media and websites
  • Interactive Campaigns – Interactive marketing campaigns can be created using ChatGPT to captivate customers in new ways

SEO and Website Optimisation:

  • Blog and Article Assistance – Leverage ChatGPT in generating ideas, outlines or complete drafts for industry-relevant blogs and articles
  • SEO Content Enhancement – ChatGPT can improve website content and help to make SEO Analysis to boost search engine visibility

Personalisation and Analytics:

  • Market Research and Competitor Analysis – ChatGPT can be used for prediction analysis and summarising competitor information
  • Integration with Analytics Tools – Integrating ChatGPT with analytics tools can improve data interpretation and reporting


ChatGPT and SEO

This AI-driven tool, with its sophisticated understanding of natural language processing, has revolutionised the approach to keyword research, content creation, and on-page SEO optimisations.

ChatGPT has a unique blend of creativity and analytical capabilities that allows SEO experts to create content that resonates with both search engines and human readers. The tool’s ability to generate human-like text while integrating SEO strategies ensures that the content can rank very well in search results (SERPs).

ChatGPT’s deep learning algorithms can analyse search trends and provide insights that help tailor content to audience needs. This shift to AI-powered SEO tools emphasises a more nuanced and user-centric approach where the goal is not just to rank higher, but to provide real value to readers.

The intersection of AI like ChatGPT and SEO will redefine the boundaries of digital marketing, making it an exciting time for marketers and SEO strategists. The SEO revolution with ChatGPT is just the beginning of a transformative journey into the digital world.


Ethical Considerations for Using ChatGPT and Potential Risks

In the field of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT stands out as a transformative tool that navigates a complex web of ethical considerations and potential risks. The focus is on using this technology responsibly.

Data protection concerns are particularly important when processing and storing user data. It is important and crucial to ensure that personal information is secure and not misused.

Another significant ethical challenge is the potential misuse of ChatGPT to generate misleading information or “deepfakes”,  which could have serious implications for areas such as education and politics. This requires robust mechanisms to verify the authenticity and integrity of information. Open AI suggests that it is imperative to navigate the ethical landscape. Transparency, accountability and the well-being of society must be guaranteed.

ChatGPT’s Contribution to the Evolution of Machine Learning

Built on the GPT architecture ChatGPT represents a substantial advancement in Natural Language Processing (NLP). It has improved the way AI systems understand, interpret and generate human language. 

ChatGPT is known for using a wide range of Internet texts that cover many topics and types of communication. This extensive training (which is larger than ever before) has pushed the boundaries of what we could each achieve with machine learning.

ChatGPT incorporates user feedback into its learning process allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation. This approach to learning where the model evolves based on real-world use and feedback is a significant shift from traditional static machine learning models.

Unlike its predecessors ChatGPT can remember and reference previous parts of a conversation allowing for more context-aware interactions. This ability to maintain context over a series of exchanges is a significant step towards more human-like AI conversations.


ChatGPT and the Future of Digital Interaction

The future of digital interaction is being reshaped by ChatGPT where OpenAI is creating a more engaging and interactive digital experience. 

What makes ChatGPT truly revolutionary is its adaptability – learning from each interaction to provide even more refined and relevant responses over time. This ongoing learning process is paving the way for smarter AI assistants capable of handling complex tasks and providing informed and context-aware assistance. 

ChatGPT continues to evolve: it promises to further blur the lines between human and machine leading us towards a future where digital interactions are as natural as face-to-face conversations. The impact of ChatGPT goes over and beyond: it’s about creating a digital environment that is more intuitive, accessible and user-friendly.

The potential for companies to use this technology is enormous and offers new opportunities to connect with customers. ChatGPT is not just an advance in AI – it is a leap into a future that integrates digital interaction.



ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is an advanced AI chatbot that excels in human-like interactions. OpenAI, a leader in AI research, created ChatGPT using GPT-3 a Large Language Model (LLM) known for its exceptional language processing abilities. ChatGPT’s diverse capabilities include engaging in detailed conversations, creative and educational assistance, technical support, and online research. It plays a pivotal role in sectors like customer service and content creation. The tool’s integration into digital marketing and SEO has revolutionized these fields while also raising important ethical considerations regarding privacy and information integrity. ChatGPT’s continuous evolution is shaping the future of digital interaction making AI more intuitive and user-friendly.



What’s the difference between ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4?

ChatGPT 3.5 is free and accessible by registering with OpenAI. The more advanced ChatGPT 4 is available under the ChatGPT Plus subscription offering priority access even during peak times. ChatGPT 4 is trained on a broader and more recent dataset providing updated information and deeper insights across various topics. It stands out as a multimodal model capable of processing text and images which enhances its interactive abilities.

How much does ChatGPT 4 cost?

The cost of ChatGPT 4 (or ChatGPT Plus) varies and is subject to change. It was priced at $20 per month but for current pricing it’s best to check OpenAI’s official website.

How is ChatGPT different from a traditional chatbot?

Unlike traditional chatbots, ChatGPT is more advanced in natural language processing allowing for more fluid and contextually relevant conversations. It can handle complex queries and generate more human-like responses.

What is the difference between ChatGPT and Google?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI focused on generating and understanding text. Google on the other hand is a multinational technology company with a broad range of products and services including search engines, cloud computing and various AI technologies.