
AI generated content - Advantages and Disadvantages

Autor: Vladimir Milivojevic

Datum: 18.05.2024

The creation of content by Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming common. But how does this technology work? At its core, AI uses machine learning and various complex algorithms to generate content that is like what a human would produce. Let's break this down into simpler terms to understand the magic behind AI content generation.


Machine learning is a branch of AI that allows computers to learn from data in a similar way to how humans learn. Imagine that you want to teach a child to identify a cat by showing him several pictures of cats. Over time, the child will learn to recognize the cats, even in new photos that they have never seen before. This is how machine learning works. By feeding the computer a lot of text data, it learns patterns, styles and structures of language.

A key technology in AI content generation is Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP helps computers understand, interpret and produce human language. Think of it as teaching a computer to understand and then speak a language fluently. NLP splits language into small, easy pieces. This lets AI learn grammar, slang, and sayings. This enables AI to generate any text-based content that feels natural and human-like.


The Advantages of AI-Generated Content

Productivity and Efficiency – Speed of content creation

One of the biggest advantages of AI in content creation is its speed. Imagine having to write a long article. It might take hours or even days. But AI can do this much faster, sometimes in minutes. This speed doesn’t mean the quality drops. In fact, the content stays high-quality.

AI’s quick writing helps businesses a lot. They can share news, updates, or new findings really fast. This is super important in today’s world, where things change all the time. If a new trend pops up, AI can help a company talk about it right away. This keeps businesses one step ahead of their competition.

Also, because AI can write so quickly, companies can put out more content. This means more articles, reports, and summaries without waiting too long. It’s like having a super-fast writer on your team, always ready to go.



Using AI to create content can save a lot of money, especially when it comes to paying for work. Hiring people to write articles, make reports, or create any kind of text costs quite a bit. With AI the expenses drop significantly.

Think of it this way: once you set up an AI system, it can write as much as you need without asking for a raise or taking breaks. It’s a non-stop content creation engine that works all day and night without asking for more money. This means businesses can produce more content without spending more on salaries.

AI tools can be adjusted at a relatively low cost compared to the ongoing expense of hiring more staff. This flexibility makes it even more cost-effective. It lets businesses adjust how much content they make without stressing over the cost of hiring or firing workers.


Multi-search from Google or Search Multimodality

The way we search for information is changing, thanks to AI. Now, we’re not just stuck typing queries into a search box. AI brings us different ways to search, like images and text together. This means you can search in ways that feel more natural and intuitive.

There’s “Circle to Search“. Imagine you’re reading an article or looking at a photo and something catches your eye. With Circle to Search, you can draw a circle around that item on your screen, and AI will start searching for information about it. It’s like pointing at something in a book and having someone tell you more about it.

Next, we have the new search multimodality with Lens, which combines images and text in your searches. Say you see a plant you like but don’t know its name. You can take a photo with Lens and type in a question like, “What’s this plant?” Lens uses the image and your text to figure out exactly what you’re asking about. This makes searching feel like magic. You get precise answers to queries that would have been hard to describe with words alone.

These advancements make searching easier and also more exciting. You can find out things in new ways that weren’t possible before, making learning and exploring more fun. AI can mix different kinds of searches, so finding answers is as easy as taking a picture or drawing a circle.


Data-Driven Insights for Content Optimization

A significant benefit in improving your content quality comes from using AI: it uses data to help. Imagine having a tool that looks through tons of information to find out what kind of content people like the most. That’s what AI can do. It looks at what’s working and what’s not, so you can make content that really hits the mark with your audience.

You have a smart assistant that tells you, “This topic is popular,” or “People really engage with this type of post.” By using AI, you can create content that’s more likely to get likes, shares, and comments.

Plus, this approach isn’t just about getting a quick win. It’s about learning over time what your audience enjoys. This helps you keep them interested and coming back for more. And when your content is exactly what your audience wants, it can also help you attract new followers or customers.

The Disadvantages of AI-Generated Content

Quality and Authenticity Concerns

Main issue is that AI might not always catch the subtle human touches that make content truly resonate. It’s about those little details that show real understanding or emotion, which AI can sometimes miss.

AI creates content based on patterns it learns from data. But, this approach can sometimes lead to content that feels a bit off or not quite right. It might miss the mark on humor, empathy, or cultural nuances that a human writer brings to their work. This can make the content seem less authentic or engaging.

Maintaining high quality is another challenge. AI can produce a lot of content, but the output might not always meet the high standards expected by readers. This is because AI might not understand the topic deeply or know how to tell a story that touches people. It might miss the personal connection that makes content special.

These concerns mean that while AI can help with creating content, it’s not a complete replacement for human creativity. People still need to check the content to make sure it’s good and feels real. Without someone’s personal touch, the content might not draw in or connect with readers as it should.


Ethical and Copyright Issues

When AI makes content, it can lead to some tricky situations. One big problem is about ethics and copyright. This means figuring out if using AI to create things like articles or art is right, especially when it comes to who really owns that work.

AI uses a lot of information from different places to learn how to make new content. But this raises questions: Is the new content original? And who should get the credit for it—the AI, its creators, or the sources it learned from? These questions don’t have easy answers.

There’s a worry about copyright. This is a rule that protects people’s creative work. If AI creates something that looks a lot like someone else’s work, who is responsible? This can lead to legal battles over who owns the content.

These issues are important because they touch on fairness and respect for people’s creative efforts. As AI gets better at making content, we need to think carefully about these problems. We have to make sure that using AI stays fair and respects everyone’s rights. This means having clear rules in the world of AI generated content.


SEO Implications

Using AI to create content can affect how well your website does in search results. SEO is all about making your site more visible when people search for things online. But, there’s a catch with AI content.

Search engines like Google want to show users the best and most original information. They update their algorithm often to catch and lower the rank of sites that don’t meet these standards. If you use AI to make content, you might accidentally create something that’s seen as low-quality or even copied from somewhere else. 

Google has specific guidelines which focus on keeping spam and low-quality content out of search results. If your AI-generated content is too similar to existing content, your site could be penalized. This means it might not show up as high in search results, or in some cases, it might not appear at all.

The risk of penalties makes it crucial to check AI content carefully. It’s important to ensure it’s unique, valuable, and follows best SEO practices. Without this extra step, you might end up doing more harm than good to your site’s search performance.


Limited Understanding of User Intent

AI has a hard time getting the full picture behind what users really want when they ask for something. Even though AI can give answers that are technically right, it might not hit the nail on the head when it comes to what the user is actually looking for.

Users often have specific needs or questions that are layered with context and emotion. AI, however, looks at queries more literally. It searches its database for the closest match to the words used, not the feelings or deeper intentions behind them. So, the content it creates might be accurate but not quite right for what was asked.

This limitation means that AI-generated content can sometimes feel a bit off. It might not answer the question in the way a human would. This is a big challenge because the goal of good content is not just to provide facts but to meet the user’s underlying needs and questions.



AI-generated content uses machine learning and natural language processing to create text efficiently and cost-effectively. Advantages include rapid production, cost savings, and data-driven insights for content optimization. However, challenges exist, such as maintaining quality and authenticity, addressing ethical and copyright issues, navigating SEO implications, and understanding user intent. While AI can produce high-quality content quickly, human oversight remains crucial to ensure the content’s relevance and emotional resonance.